floor exercise
The pelvic floor muscles are the
muscles between your legs woman are generally more aware of these muscles, men
should be equally aware of these muscles as they play a very big part in our
life for example as we get older we can lose the control of these muscles
leading to Urinary incontinence. Every time you you have
the feeling of needing the toilet but have to hold on this is the pevilc floor
muscles working so good advise is to work them daily with the exercises
below every day.
Exercise 1: Fast Twitch, Quick pulse
Quick pulsing working pelvic floor muscles
· Focus on the muscles between your
legs as being like a trampoline.
· Visualise there is a small ball
which you want to bounce up through the centre of the trampoline. fast twitch
· Pulse:
100 pulses.
Minimum 3 times
a day.
Remember it is internal so there
should be no visibility of the movement.
This can be done at the bus stop, on a train, seated lying down or standing any time of day; and the best thing no one will even know you are doing it.
After you have completed your fast twitch you will move onto slow twitch.
Exercise 2: Slow twitch
Here you will learn how to slowly activate the pelvic floor. This exercise will teach you how to keep a soft activation throughout the day.
The same as above, but this time we are going to feel how slow you can activate your pelvic floor.
· Visualise a wet cloth on the floor,
pick it up in the middle and slowly lift it off the floor.
· See how far you can take this up
through the centre of your body.
· Then slowly reverse the processes.
· Allow approx 5-6 times.
Now that you have completed your pelvic floor exercises you will have to discover where you should hold this throughout the day. Everyone will have their own desired activation of the pelvic floor. As Pilates instructors we tend to say somewhere around 30%, thus allowing you to hold throughout the day.
Watch points:
· Shoulders are calm
Do not clench buttock
· Breathing normal
· No tension in the body
· Make sure rectus abdominal muscles
are not kicking in